Second Booster Shot Done

6 June 2022 – Held at Tarlac Provincial Hospital, the clinic staff received the second booster vaccine shots (Pfizer) for additional prevention against the infamous COVID-19 through the efforts of the Tarlac local government in caring for the A1 category front liners. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, COVID-19 vaccine boosters canContinue reading “Second Booster Shot Done”

Clinic reduces restrictions

28 February 2022 – The Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF-EID) on Sunday has released new guidelines on the nationwide implementation of the Alert Level System for Covid-19 response particularly on the management of services for public access. Part of the amendments is the inclusion of Tarlac Province in theContinue reading “Clinic reduces restrictions”

Clinic enhances safety measures against pandemic

With the dramatic increase of omicron infection in the city for the first month of the year,  the IATF for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases has further increased the province’s COVID19 Alert Level to 3 from February 1, 2022 to the 15th depending on the development of the situation. As one of the essentialContinue reading “Clinic enhances safety measures against pandemic”

Clinic Staff received Booster Shots for COVID19 prevention

23 November 2021 – As the city pushes more in preventing its health workers from the spread of COVID19, all dental clinic personnel are included in the booster shot schedule through the efforts of the Inter Agency Task Force for COVID19. Held at the Tarlac Provincial Hospital, all clinic staff of Ampong Oral Clinic receivedContinue reading “Clinic Staff received Booster Shots for COVID19 prevention”

Clinic revises safety measures for COVID19

As the city implements the new COVID-19 Alert Level System, the clinic revises its safety measures in accordance to the provision of the IATF for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases from November 15 to 30, 2021. As one of the essential establishments of the city, we adhere to the provision of the government inContinue reading “Clinic revises safety measures for COVID19”

Double protection as province increases community quarantine level

From MGCQ to GCQ, Tarlac province will increase its community quarantine measures from August 12 to 31, 2021 as the country faces again alarming numbers of COVID-19 cases brought by the new Delta variant. In response to this call, the clinic also enhanced its countermeasure protocols within its working environment. We doubled all our filteringContinue reading “Double protection as province increases community quarantine level”

Clinic Staff tested negative from COVID19

We conducted COVID19 oral and nasal swab test to all our staff and the results were NEGATIVE. Thanks to the Central Luzon Doctors Hospital for accommodating us in our endeavor to maintain the health condition of our dental frontliners. Our heartfelt thanksgiving to God for protecting His people and allowing us to sustain our operationsContinue reading “Clinic Staff tested negative from COVID19”

Equipment upgrade to counter virus done

Glory to God in the highest for the continuing service we provide as well as the safety and protection against the famous virus despite the pandemic. The influx of patients has been overwhelming. Due to this demand, there is a need to upgrade the air filtering system of the clinic in order to achieve properContinue reading “Equipment upgrade to counter virus done”

Facility Upgrades to Prevent COVID19

Since the reopening of the clinic last yeae, variety of precautionary measures were established and implemented in the clinic which significantly affected its regular operations and administrative management. Thanks to the consecutive webinars initiated by the PDA concerning the ways and means to sustain clinic operations, we have installed countermeasures to further enhance the preventionContinue reading “Facility Upgrades to Prevent COVID19”

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