Fast Fact About Oral Cancer │ Cause, Symptoms and Treatments

Oral cancer is a type of disease that develops in any part of the mouth, including the lips, tongue, gums, and the lining of the cheeks. It is a serious and potentially life-threatening condition that requires early detection and treatment. In most cases, this cancer may not cause any noticeable symptoms in the early stages unless regular checkups by a dentist become part of the routine.

Facts About Oral Cancer:

According to the latest World Health Organization data published in 2020, This cancer is common in developing countries located in Southeast Asia and its prevalence persists even after migration to developed countries. In the Philippines, Oral Cancer Deaths have reached 2,916 or 0.43% of total deaths. The age-adjusted Death Rate is 3.74 per 100,000 of the population ranking the Philippines as the 62nd country in the world next to France and Lesotho. It was estimated that one in every 1,800 Filipinos will develop cancer per year due to late diagnosis. The health-seeking behavior of Filipinos shows that those who suffer from cancer seek medical assistance only in the advanced stages of the disease. The oral cavity, along with lung, breast, cervix, liver, prostate, stomach, colon and rectum, and ovary are the leading sites of cancer in the Philippines, which makes Oral cancer the 8th leading type of cancer in the country based on the University of the Philippines research in 2019.

Causes of oral cancer:

The exact cause of oral cancer is not known. However, certain risk factors have been identified that can increase the likelihood of developing oral cancer. These risk factors include smoking or chewing tobacco, excessive alcohol consumption, exposure to sunlight, and a family history of cancer. Other risk factors include a weakened immune system, poor oral hygiene, and a diet lacking in fruits and vegetables.

Symptoms of oral cancer:

The symptoms of oral cancer can vary depending on the location and stage of cancer. Some common symptoms include a sore in the mouth that does not heal, a lump or thickening in the cheek or mouth, difficulty swallowing or speaking, persistent mouth pain, and a persistent sore throat. Other symptoms may include a change in the way the teeth fit together, numbness in the mouth or lips, ear pain, unexplained weight loss and a white or red patch on the gums, tongue, or lining of the mouth.

Diagnosis of oral cancer:

If there are experiences with any of these symptoms, it is important to see a doctor or dentist as soon as possible. To diagnose oral cancer, the doctor or dentist will perform a physical examination of your mouth, throat, and neck. They may also order imaging tests, such as X-rays, CT scans, or MRI scans, to get a better look at the affected area. In some cases, a biopsy may be necessary to confirm the diagnosis.

Treatment options for oral cancer:

The treatment options for oral cancer will depend on the stage and location of cancer. Surgery may be necessary to remove the cancerous tissue, along with any nearby lymph nodes. Radiation therapy may also be used to destroy cancer cells, particularly if cancer has spread to nearby lymph nodes or other tissues. Chemotherapy, which uses drugs to kill cancer cells, may also be used in combination with surgery or radiation therapy. In some cases, targeted therapy may be used to treat oral cancer. This involves using drugs that specifically target cancer cells while leaving healthy cells intact. Immunotherapy, which works by boosting the immune system’s ability to fight cancer, may also be used in some cases.

Prevention of oral cancer:

There are several things you can do to reduce your risk of developing oral cancer. These include avoiding tobacco use, limiting alcohol consumption, wearing protective clothing or lip balm when spending time in the sun, maintaining good oral hygiene, and eating a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables. It is also important to see your dentist regularly for check-ups and cleanings.


In conclusion, oral cancer is a serious condition that requires early detection and treatment. Suppose you experience any symptoms of oral cancer, such as a sore in the mouth that does not heal, a lump or thickening in the cheek or mouth, or difficulty swallowing or speaking. In that case, it is important to see a doctor or dentist as soon as possible. With early detection and treatment, the prognosis for oral cancer can be positive.

Tips to Prevent Effects of Hot Weather to Oral Health

During the summer months, we often focus on staying cool and hydrated, but we may forget about the impact that hot weather can have on our teeth and gums. In this video, we will be exploring some of the ways that hot weather can affect our oral health and what we can do to prevent or mitigate these effects.

Dehydration and Dry Mouth. One of the most common ways that hot weather can affect our oral health is by causing dehydration and dry mouth. When we don’t drink enough water, our bodies produce less saliva, which is essential for maintaining a healthy mouth. Without enough saliva, bacteria can accumulate and cause bad breath, cavities, and gum disease. It’s important to stay hydrated during hot weather by drinking plenty of water and avoiding sugary or caffeinated beverages that can contribute to dehydration.

Tooth Sensitivity. Another effect of hot weather on oral health is tooth sensitivity. Extreme temperatures, whether hot or cold, can cause discomfort or pain in sensitive teeth. This can be exacerbated by consuming cold drinks or ice cream in an effort to cool down. To prevent tooth sensitivity, try drinking beverages at room temperature or using a straw to avoid direct contact with teeth.

Increased Risk of Cavities. During hot weather, we may be more likely to indulge in sugary snacks or drinks, such as ice cream or soda, to cool down. Unfortunately, these types of foods and drinks can increase the risk of cavities and gum disease. Bacteria in the mouth feed on sugars and produce acids that erode tooth enamel. To prevent cavities, limit your intake of sugary and acidic foods and drinks, and brush and floss regularly.

Oral Injuries. Summer activities such as swimming, biking, and sports can increase the risk of oral injuries. In addition to wearing a helmet or protective gear, it’s important to wear a mouthguard to protect your teeth during contact sports. A custom-fitted mouthguard can provide the best protection and comfort.

If you’re experiencing oral health issues during hot weather, there are several steps you can take to alleviate discomfort and prevent further problems:

  1. Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water is important for maintaining oral health, particularly during hot weather. This helps to keep the mouth moist, which can prevent dry mouth and reduce the risk of tooth decay and gum disease.
  2. Avoid sugary and acidic drinks: Sugary and acidic drinks can erode tooth enamel and increase the risk of cavities. Instead, choose water or sugar-free beverages to stay hydrated.
  3. Maintain good oral hygiene: Brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and floss daily to remove plaque and bacteria from the mouth. This can help prevent cavities, gum disease, and other oral health issues.
  4. Use mouthwash: Mouthwash can help kill bacteria in the mouth and freshen breath. Look for a mouthwash that contains fluoride to help strengthen teeth and prevent cavities.
  5. Wear a mouthguard: If you’re participating in outdoor activities or contact sports during hot weather, it’s important to wear a mouthguard to protect your teeth from injury.
  6. Visit your dentist: If you’re experiencing oral health issues or discomfort, make an appointment to see your dentist. They can provide a professional cleaning, evaluate your oral health, and recommend treatments or preventive measures to keep your teeth and gums healthy.

Dentists can play an important role in mitigating the effects of hot weather on oral health. Here are some ways they can help:

  1. Offer preventive care: Dentists can provide preventive care, such as cleanings and fluoride treatments, to help strengthen teeth and prevent cavities. They can also provide advice on how to maintain good oral hygiene habits during hot weather.
  2. Treat dry mouth: Dentists can diagnose and treat dry mouth, which is a common problem during hot weather. They may recommend artificial saliva products or suggest lifestyle changes to alleviate the symptoms of dry mouth.
  3. Recommend mouthwash: Dentists can recommend mouthwash that contains fluoride and other ingredients that can help strengthen teeth and prevent cavities. They can also provide guidance on how to choose the right mouthwash for your needs.
  4. Provide treatment for oral injuries: Dentists can provide treatment for oral injuries, such as broken or chipped teeth, that may occur during outdoor activities or sports. They can fit patients with custom mouthguards to protect their teeth during contact sports.
  5. Offer advice on nutrition: Dentists can provide advice on nutrition and recommend foods that are beneficial for oral health. They can also suggest foods to avoid, such as sugary and acidic drinks and snacks, that can increase the risk of cavities and other oral health issues.

Overall, dentists can play a key role in helping patients maintain good oral health during hot weather by providing preventive care, treating oral health issues, and offering advice on oral hygiene and nutrition.

In conclusion, hot weather can have several effects on oral health, including dehydration and dry mouth, tooth sensitivity, an increased risk of cavities, and oral injuries. To mitigate these effects, stay hydrated, avoid sugary and acidic foods and drinks, wear a mouthguard during sports or outdoor activities, and maintain good oral hygiene habits. We hope that you found this information helpful and informative.

Why Diet is Important to Dental Health

The food we eat and the beverages we consume have a direct impact on our oral health. Foods that are high in sugar and carbohydrates can lead to the growth of harmful bacteria in our mouths. These bacteria produce acid, which erodes the tooth enamel and leads to cavities. Consuming sugary drinks, such as soda and sports drinks, can also increase the risk of tooth decay and gum disease. In this blog, we will explore the reasons why diet is important for our oral health as it plays a significant part in sustaining overall well-being. We will also discuss some essential nutrients for our teeth and gums that we need to consider in our daily choices of food intake, as well as enumerate some useful tips to maintain good oral health in pursuit of our goal of a healthy lifestyle.

A healthy and balanced diet is essential for maintaining good oral health. In order to achieve this, the following nutrients are particularly important:

 Calcium is critical for building and maintaining strong teeth and bones. It is found in dairy products, leafy greens, and fortified cereals.

Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium and is necessary for strong teeth and bones. It is found in fatty fish, eggs, and fortified foods.

Vitamin C is essential for healthy gums and helps to prevent gum disease. It is found in citrus fruits, berries, and leafy greens.

Phosphorus works with calcium to build strong bones and teeth. It is found in meat, fish, poultry, and dairy products.

Water is essential for oral health as it helps to wash away food particles and bacteria that can lead to cavities and gum disease.

To maintain good oral health, it is essential to follow a healthy diet. By considering the facts about our choices of daily food intake that we have mentioned earlier, here are some tips that may be useful:

Limit sugary and acidic foods and drinks.

Choose foods that are high in calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D.

Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables, including leafy greens.

Drink plenty of water throughout the day.

Limit snacking between meals, as frequent snacking can increase the risk of tooth decay.

A healthy diet is essential for maintaining good oral health. The food we eat and the beverages we consume can have a direct impact on the health of our teeth and gums. By following a balanced diet that includes essential nutrients, we can keep our mouths healthy and prevent dental problems.

Hot weather affects oral health

As summer temperatures continue to rise, it’s important to remember the impact that hot days can have on our oral health. With heat waves becoming more and more common, it is essential to stay hydrated, and what better way to do that than with the refreshing and hydrating power of drink water? But drinking water is only part of the equation – how else can we protect our teeth and gums from the effects of the intense summer heat?

Dr. Sunali Khanna in her article “Climate Change & Oral Health: Current Challenges & Future Scope” stated that such a fast rate of global climate change has a variety of implications for human health, in particular for dental health. Dental well-being is a critical component of overall health, and climate change has been shown to have a direct impact on oral health issues such as cavities, gum disease, and tooth decay.

As such, the need for climate-resilient healthcare delivery systems has become an increasingly urgent matter. Medical practitioners have an important responsibility to ensure the health of their patients, and to provide robust healthcare delivery systems that are capable of dealing with the difficulties posed by natural disasters. This is especially important in the context of climate change, as extreme weather conditions can have a significant impact on oral health. In addition, the current COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated the need for healthcare delivery systems to be both flexible and robust in the face of pandemics.

It is therefore essential that medical practitioners are aware of the implications of climate change on oral health, and take steps to ensure their healthcare delivery systems are capable of dealing with the challenges posed by a changing climate. By ensuring the health of their patients, medical practitioners can play an important role in helping to mitigate the impacts of climate change on oral health. Summer can have both positive and negative effects on oral health. Here are some potential impacts:

Positive effects:

  1. Increased Vitamin D Intake: Summer provides more opportunity for sun exposure, which can boost the production of vitamin D in the body. Vitamin D is important for oral health as it helps the body absorb calcium and other minerals that are necessary for healthy teeth and bones.
  2. Hydration: In the summer, people tend to drink more water and other fluids to stay hydrated in the heat. This increased hydration can help to flush out harmful bacteria and food particles from the mouth, reducing the risk of cavities and gum disease.

Negative effects:

  1. Dehydration: While hydration is important for oral health, dehydration can have the opposite effect. When the body is dehydrated, there is less saliva production, which can lead to dry mouth. Dry mouth can increase the risk of cavities and gum disease as it reduces the natural cleansing action of saliva.
  2. Increased Sugar Intake: In the summer, people often consume more sugary drinks like soda and sports drinks to stay cool. These drinks can erode tooth enamel and increase the risk of cavities. It’s important to limit sugary drinks and choose water or sugar-free beverages instead.
  3. Outdoor activities: Summer is a time for outdoor activities like sports, swimming, and biking. These activities can increase the risk of oral injuries like chipped or broken teeth. It’s important to wear a mouthguard during contact sports and take other precautions to protect your teeth during outdoor activities.

In order to mitigate the effects of hot weather to oral health, there are several steps that we can take to alleviate discomfort and prevent further problems:

  1. Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water is important for maintaining oral health, particularly during hot weather. This helps to keep the mouth moist, which can prevent dry mouth and reduce the risk of tooth decay and gum disease.
  2. Avoid sugary and acidic drinks: Sugary and acidic drinks can erode tooth enamel and increase the risk of cavities. Instead, choose water or sugar-free beverages to stay hydrated.
  3. Maintain good oral hygiene: Brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and floss daily to remove plaque and bacteria from the mouth. This can help prevent cavities, gum disease, and other oral health issues.
  4. Use mouthwash: Mouthwash can help kill bacteria in the mouth and freshen breath. Look for a mouthwash that contains fluoride to help strengthen teeth and prevent cavities.
  5. Wear a mouthguard: If you’re participating in outdoor activities or contact sports during hot weather, it’s important to wear a mouthguard to protect your teeth from injury.
  6. Visit your dentist: If you’re experiencing oral health issues or discomfort, make an appointment to see your dentist. They can provide a professional cleaning, evaluate your oral health, and recommend treatments or preventive measures to keep your teeth and gums healthy. Dentists can play an important role in mitigating the effects of hot weather on oral health. Here are some ways they can help:
    • Offer preventive care: Dentists can provide preventive care, such as cleanings and fluoride treatments, to help strengthen teeth and prevent cavities. They can also provide advice on how to maintain good oral hygiene habits during hot weather.
    • Treat dry mouth: Dentists can diagnose and treat dry mouth, which is a common problem during hot weather. They may recommend artificial saliva products or suggest lifestyle changes to alleviate the symptoms of dry mouth.
    • Recommend mouthwash: Dentists can recommend mouthwash that contains fluoride and other ingredients that can help strengthen teeth and prevent cavities. They can also provide guidance on how to choose the right mouthwash for your needs.
    • Provide treatment for oral injuries: Dentists can provide treatment for oral injuries, such as broken or chipped teeth, that may occur during outdoor activities or sports. They can fit patients with custom mouthguards to protect their teeth during contact sports.
    • Offer advice on nutrition: Dentists can provide advice on nutrition and recommend foods that are beneficial for oral health. They can also suggest foods to avoid, such as sugary and acidic drinks and snacks, that can increase the risk of cavities and other oral health issues.

Overall, dentists can play a key role in helping patients maintain good oral health during hot weather by providing preventive care, treating oral health issues, and offering advice on oral hygiene and nutrition.

Settling for Less? Think Again

Oral health is also a life investment

Ampong Oral Clinic

Health is wealth…and our mouth is part of it.

Over the years, we have frequently encountered patients who had serious regrets on their past experiences with dental treatments over unbelievably cheap rates. Most of them have undeservingly lost their healthy teeth just to save a space for aesthetics, while others have no significant improvements on their teeth alignment over months of wearing ortho braces. Worst for some were instances of disturbing smiles and toothaches brought by substandard or cheap materials used to fill in those missing parts, which forced them to find another dentist for a second opinion. After damages were done, patients have no choice but to spend twice in expense for relief from pain and discomfort.

Inasmuch as we want to help our patients on their budgets for oral care, but we need to know the reasons why dental treatments are costly aside from the expected rationale that…

View original post 470 more words

Settling for Less? Think Again

Health is wealth…and our mouth is part of it.

Over the years, we have frequently encountered patients who had serious regrets on their past experiences with dental treatments over unbelievably cheap rates. Most of them have undeservingly lost their healthy teeth just to save a space for aesthetics, while others have no significant improvements on their teeth alignment over months of wearing ortho braces. Worst for some were instances of disturbing smiles and toothaches brought by substandard or cheap materials used to fill in those missing parts, which forced them to find another dentist for a second opinion. After damages were done, patients have no choice but to spend twice in expense for relief from pain and discomfort.

Inasmuch as we want to help our patients on their budgets for oral care, but we need to know the reasons why dental treatments are costly aside from the expected rationale that dentists are doctors who spent years of expensive training and dedicated brains. By knowing these information, we would also get some advises for us to have ideas that dentists are doing their jobs professionally:

  1. Dental Treatments involve scientific and medical approaches. Our mouth is part of human anatomy that also engages complicated connections with the rest of our body. While most of these systems are printed on the dental charts, only licensed dentists have the competence to see safety measures in approaching oral problems of the patients without sacrificing other systems to suffer as collateral damage, and of course, their hard-earned professional licenses are at stake for the practices they fail to master. To know that treatments are done scientifically, dentists are expected to:
    • Medically explain in layman’s term the condition of the problem to the patient prior treatment.
    • Condition the patient the expected results or side effects of the treatment if ever there are.
    • Maintain a patient dental record to monitor the development of the patient.
    • Issue appropriate medical prescription after treatment (if applicable)
  2. Dental Treatments require sophisticated equipment. Dental chairs, autoclaves, xrays, and dental instruments are specialized equipment that are highly expensive and require technical maintenance through professional dental technicians. Aside from the purpose to make treatments more easier for dentists, these equipment are designed to make sure that treatments are done with accurate assessments and further prevent discomfort to the patients. In order to ensure accuracy and sterile dental procedures, dentists are basically expected to:
    • Sterilize all dental instruments through autoclave
    • Conduct Xray procedure to assess internal situation of the cavity
    • Comfortably position of the patients to achieve right angles for treatment
  3. Dental Treatments have options for quality materials to be used. While appropriate dental appliances (crowns, implants, braces or any foreign objects to be installed in the patients’ cavity) play important parts for the treatment, prices of these materials vary depending on the quality and brand. This means, the higher the price, the better the quality and comfort. Thus, decision to these options are highly under the burden of the patient depending on their priority between quality and quantity. With these reasons, dentists are expected to:
    • Technically explain the pros and cons of the options for the patients’ decision
    • Highly recommend the best option that fits both financial and dental condition of the patients
    • Discourage patients to choose the poorest option in order to achieve better quality applicable.

When we already recognize dental treatment as a necessity for our oral problems, we also accept that it connotes reasonable expenses the moment we enter a dental clinic. And while we have the option to settle for less, let us consider that oral health is also a wealth worthy for well-being investment… because our overall health starts from our mouth and everything we eat.

Ngiting Panalo, Ngiping Protektado

During the month of February, Filipinos celebrate Philippine Dental Health Month. The purpose of this event is to help raise awareness about the importance of oral health and to encourage people to get regular check-ups and proper dental care. It is also a time for dental professionals to educate the public on how to prevent and treat dental diseases. The annual observance began in 1951 as National Dental Health Week, but it was expanded into a month-long celebration on February 24, 2004, by Presidential Proclamation No. 559.

The goal of National Dental Health Month is to provide a platform for dental professionals to share their knowledge and expertise on oral health. This helps people make informed decisions about their dental care. It includes teaching stakeholders about proper hygiene, nutrition, and preventive measures, as well as providing them with timely and accurate information about the latest dental treatments and technologies. Ultimately, the aim is to promote better overall oral health and to reduce the prevalence of dental diseases. As part of the Philippine Dental Association’s effort to promote proper oral health, the observance aims to raise public awareness.

As part of Philippine Dental Health Month, the Philippine Dental Association encourages everyone to take proactive steps to ensure proper oral health, such as scheduling regular dental check-ups and brushing twice a day. It also encourages students, relevant government agencies, professional organizations, and dentists on private practice to reach out to more people with no access to dental services, especially those who are in the countryside.

To participate in this event, we remind all our patients through their registered email accounts of our clinic motto, “Maintain your teeth, preserve your smile”. Our motto is very synonymous with this year’s theme “Ngiting Panalo, Ngiping Protektado” as it means “Winning Smile, Protected Teeth”. In other words, properly maintained teeth result in protection against decay. Furthermore, this maintenance will result in a pleasant smile.

In order to achieve this, we provide informal education for our patients during their visits as well as during virtual consultations. When they sit in our dental chair, our dentist explains in layman’s terms the causes of their oral health problems or the impacts of their dental treatment histories. These efforts aim to allow our patients understand the importance of:

  • Oral Hygiene as a Habit – Learning to practice brushing and flossing as part of lifestyle requires discipline and intention to achieve proper oral health. Just like making the bed after waking up, when it becomes a habit, there is order and cleanliness that makes one feel accomplished at the first hour of the day.
  • Enhance Dental Care for those dental appliances – Dentures, Ortho Braces, Crowns, Implants and other dental appliances are foreign objects in the mouth that may cause further damage if not treated or maintained properly.
  • Nutritional Requirements for Dental Health – Our mouth also needs nutrition. Calcium, Vit D, Pottasium, Phosporus and Vit K for the teeth to maintain proper bone health, while Vit C for the gums, cheek and lips to remain good tissue strength, and Vit A for the saliva to sustain better immune functions.
  • Regular Dental Appointments – Of course, even when everything concerning oral care becomes a habit, it is still essential to visit a dentist at least every six months primarily because spotting the early warning signs of dental problems or identifying the causes of pain not visible to the eye requires a specialist that masters the study of mouth anatomy such as a dentist.

Maintaining dental health is not an easy chore for everyone. It requires discipline to achieve oral hygiene. It needs reminders to sustain nutrition on the daily food intake. An average time frame is about 2 to 3 minutes to perform proper tooth flossing based on a normal adult mouth of 28 teeth. Combined with the recommended 2 minutes for brushing, about 5 minutes twice a day is a tough time to spare even for a couch potato person. So, in order to have a winning smile and a protected teeth, let us allocate time to take care of our oral health.

Alagaan ang Ngipin, Kalusugan ay Mahalin

Dahil daig ng maagap ang masipag, ang pagbigay halaga sa kalusugan ay nagsisimula sa pag-aaruga ng ating mga ngipin.

Sa ating paggunita sa buwan ng wika sa taong 2022, pinapaalala natin ang kaugnayan ng ating kabuuang kalusugan sa pag-aalaga ng ating mga ngipin. Dahil lahat ng ating kinakain ay may katumbas na epekto sa ating katawan, nararapat na pag-ibayuhin natin ang paraan ng pag-aruga sa ating mga ngipin habang maaga pa.

Ang pagnguya ng mga kinakain natin ay mahalaga dahil nakaka apekto ito sa kakayanan ng ating tiyan na lumusaw ng mga pagkain at katasin ang mga kailangang sustansya para sa ating pang araw-araw na nutrisyon. Kapag hindi natin nanguya nang maigi ang mga kinakain natin, magdudulot ito ng problema at makakaranas tayo ng pananakit sa tiyan dahil hindi tayo natunawan ng kinakain (dyspepsia).

Tulad ng ibang bahagi ng katawan, ang ating bibig ay puno ng bacteria — karamihan ay hindi nakakapinsala. Ngunit ang ating bibig ay ang lagusan sa ating digestive at respiratory tract, at ang ilan sa mga bacteria na ito ay maaaring magdulot ng sakit. Karaniwan ang natural na panlaban ng katawan at mabuting pangangalaga sa kalusugan ng bibig, tulad ng pang-araw-araw na pagsisipilyo at flossing, ay nagpapanatili ng kontrol sa bakterya. Gayunpaman, nang walang wastong kalinisan sa bibig, ang bakterya ay maaaring umabot sa mga antas na maaaring humantong sa mga impeksyon sa bibig, tulad ng pagkabulok ng ngipin at sakit sa gilagid.

Kapag hindi maagapan, ang pagkabulok ng ngipin ay maaring hahantong sa pagbunot nito kung saan ay nakaka apekto sa pagnguya ng ating kinakain. Upang maibalik ang wastong pagnguya, karaniwang solusyon ay ang pagsuot o paglagay ng mga espesyal na materyales na ikakabit sa loob ng bunganga kagaya ng pustiso o ang sinasabing dental implant. Kaso nga lang, ang mga materyales na ito ay may kamahalan maliban pa sa paglaan ng matinding panahon at disiplina upang makasanayan ang pagsuot ng mga bagay na ito.

Maliban pa sa pagkabulok ng ngipin, ang sakit sa gilagid ay isang matinding epekto rin ng ating kalusugan. Kapag hindi ito maagapan, maraming pag-aaral ang nagsasabing ang paghina ng gilagid ang karaniwang dahilan sa paglambot ng buto sa bagang at kalaunay hindi na makaka suporta sa mga ngipin. Ang ating mga gilagid ay isang matibay na panangga na nakakatulong na maiwasan ang pamamaga na maaaring makapinsala sa ating katawan. Sa katunayan, ang sakit sa gilagid ay naiugnay sa mga problema sa kalusugan tulad ng diabetes, sakit sa puso, stroke, at napaaga na panganganak o mga sanggol na mababa ang timbang.

Upang maalagaan natin ang bibig, ugaliin nating gawin sa pang araw-araw ang mga sumusunod:

  1. Magsipilyo ng iyong ngipin nang hindi bababa sa dalawang beses sa isang araw sa loob ng dalawang minuto bawat oras. Gumamit ng soft-bristled brush at fluoride toothpaste.
  2. Mag-Floss.
  3. Gumamit ng mouthwash upang alisin ang mga tinga ng pagkain na natitira pagkatapos magsipilyo at mag-floss.
  4. Kumain ng malusog na diyeta at limitahan ang matamis na pagkain at inumin.
  5. Palitan ang iyong toothbrush tuwing tatlo hanggang apat na buwan, o mas maaga kung ang mga bristles ay nabasag o nasira.
  6. Mag-iskedyul ng mga regular na pagsusuri at paglilinis ng ngipin.
  7. Iwasan ang paggamit ng tabako.

Gayundin, makipag-ugnayan sa iyong dentista sa sandaling lumitaw ang isang problema sa kalusugan ng bibig. Ang pangangalaga sa iyong kalusugan sa bibig ay isang pamumuhunan sa iyong pangkalahatang kalusugan.


Second Booster Shot Done

6 June 2022 – Held at Tarlac Provincial Hospital, the clinic staff received the second booster vaccine shots (Pfizer) for additional prevention against the infamous COVID-19 through the efforts of the Tarlac local government in caring for the A1 category front liners.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, COVID-19 vaccine boosters can further enhance or restore protection that might have decreased over time after primary series vaccination. People are protected best from severe COVID-19 illness when they are kept abreast with their COVID-19 vaccines, which includes getting all recommended boosters when eligible.

Thanks to the preventive measures initiated by the government against the virus, the clinic is now more confident in rendering its dental services to the community aside from the new normal procedures within the periphery of the facilities.

Clinic goes “Paperless”

Work spaces of a dental care industry is not exempted from using papers in its daily administrative and operational works from patient registration to issuance of prescriptions or documents. For the last five years since the clinic was established, it has stocked and disposed significant amount of papers which irrelevantly occupies spaces in the clinic while patient profile books become difficult to organize due to increasing number of papers added to the shelf for almost everyday.

In this age of digitalization, archiving of dental records has become more efficient through a digital platform especially when comparing to the overhead stocks of even a very organized cabinet which greatly hamper the ergonomics of the work place. In an ageing microbusiness like a dental clinic, there is a need to maximize available approaches in order to achieve a work space economy.

Thanks to the “MyDentalClinic” android application – a well-known most user-friendly digital platform for a dental clinic document management, archiving of dental forms and other paper works becomes very efficient. Aside from this purpose, the application is able to monitor various information of the clinic such as financial flows, patient profiling, dental appointment system, synchronization of clinic events, birthdays and other significant data with utmost applied cybersecurity systems in place.

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