Doc Audrey Aces New Skills

May 16, 2024 — The City of Dreams in Parañaque City was abuzz with excitement as nearly 500 dentists from various parts of the Philippines gathered to celebrate their graduation from the Clinical Orthodontics Program, hosted by the Center for Orthodontic Training Seminars (COTS). The grand ceremony marked the culmination of rigorous training and dedication, signifying a significant milestone in the professional journeys of these newly minted orthodontists.

The event commenced with a formal procession, followed by the national anthem and an invocation. Distinguished guests, including prominent figures from the dental and healthcare sectors, graced the occasion. Dr. Maria Santos, a renowned orthodontist and the keynote speaker, delivered an inspiring address, emphasizing the critical role of orthodontics in enhancing patient care and the importance of continuous learning in the ever-evolving field of dentistry.

Graduates were individually recognized as they walked across the stage to receive their diplomas, amidst cheers from proud family members and friends. The atmosphere was one of celebration and achievement, with many graduates expressing gratitude for the support and guidance they received throughout their studies.

The Clinical Orthodontics Program, offered by COTS, is known for its comprehensive curriculum and hands-on training, preparing dentists to address a wide range of orthodontic needs. The program’s director, Dr. Federico M. Nadela, highlighted the graduates’ hard work and perseverance. “Today’s ceremony is a testament to your commitment to excellence and your dedication to improving oral health. You are now equipped with the skills to make a significant impact in your communities.”

Following the formalities, graduates and attendees enjoyed a reception, providing an opportunity to network and celebrate their achievements together. The event concluded with a toast to the future, as graduates looked forward to embarking on their careers with newfound expertise and confidence.

The successful graduation ceremony not only honored the accomplishments of the graduates but also underscored the importance of advanced dental education in fostering professional growth and improving patient care. As the new batch of orthodontists steps into their professional roles, they carry with them the knowledge and experience gained from one of the leading clinical programs in the region, ready to serve communities across the Philippines.

How Dentists See People from their lenses

In the world of dentistry, each patient who waltzes (or sometimes reluctantly shuffles) through the clinic door brings more than just teeth and gums—they bring a unique story, personality, and set of oral health needs. Dentists, the guardians of grins, possess a special perspective that goes beyond mere anatomy. Through their trained eyes, they view people not just as patients but as individuals deserving of care, understanding, and the occasional dental-themed joke.

Seeing Beyond the Surface

To a dentist, a smile is more than just a set of teeth; it’s a window into a person’s overall health and well-being. When a patient sits in the dental chair, a dentist’s keen eyes assess not only the condition of their teeth but also their oral hygiene habits, lifestyle factors, and even their emotional state. It’s like being a dental detective, searching for clues while trying not to make the patient feel like a suspect.

Scanning on the horizon of people, their passion to teeth enables them to blur everything except the behaviors of people’s smiles and effortlessly diagnose initial problems in an instant. Stress then comes when one of their views directs attention to study the case even over a cup of coffee without knowing that they are doing it involuntarily.

Empathy in Action

Beyond the clinical examination, dentists approach their patients with empathy and compassion. They understand that dental visits can evoke fear and anxiety in many individuals, stemming from past experiences or misconceptions about dental procedures.

So, they’ve mastered the art of the reassuring smile and perfected their skills in the delicate dance of distracting patients with soothing elevator music while they work their magic.

Combine Arts and Science

Dentists recognize that oral health is intricately linked to overall health. They understand the connections between dental issues and systemic conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and even mental health disorders.

With this knowledge, they take a holistic approach to patient care, considering not only the immediate dental concerns but also the broader impact on their overall well-being. It’s like playing a game of “Connect the Dots,” except the dots are teeth, and the picture reveals a patient’s health history.

Recalling Learned Competencies

In addition to providing treatment, dentists serve as educators and advocates for their patients’ oral health. They take the time to explain dental conditions, treatment options, and preventive measures in a way that empowers patients to take control of their oral health. And they’ve got a knack for turning even the most mundane dental facts into riveting tales, like how flossing can lead to a lifetime of adventure (or at least fewer cavities).

Appreciating Diversity

Every person who waltzes into a dental clinic brings their own unique background, culture, and oral health needs. Dentists celebrate this diversity and strive to provide culturally competent care that respects and honors each individual’s values and beliefs.

Whether it’s addressing language barriers, accommodating special needs, or tailoring treatment plans to suit specific cultural practices, dentists go the extra mile to ensure that every patient feels valued and respected. After all, a smile is a universal language, and dentists are fluent in its many dialects.

Dentists don’t just look at people; they see beyond the surface to understand the unique individuals behind the smiles. With empathy, compassion, and the occasional dental-themed joke, dentists strive to make a positive impact on their patients’ lives, one smile at a time.

Breaking Barriers: The Power of Women’s Smile

Beyond its aesthetic appeal, a woman’s smile serves as a powerful reflection of not only her inner strength but also her commitment to oral health. As we celebrate women’s month this March, we explores the intricate connection between women’s smiles and oral well-being, highlighting how a healthy and confident smile can be a cornerstone of empowerment.

1. Oral Health as a Foundation: A woman’s smile is intimately tied to her oral health. Regular dental care and maintenance not only ensure a radiant smile but also contribute to overall well-being. Healthy teeth and gums are the pillars upon which a confident and empowering smile is built.

2. Confidence Through Oral Care: Good oral hygiene practices empower women to showcase their smiles with confidence. A commitment to oral health, including regular check-ups and preventive care, allows women to maintain a bright and healthy smile, boosting their self-assurance in various aspects of life.

3. Social Impact: A woman’s oral health directly influences her social interactions. A healthy smile is not only visually appealing but also fosters positive connections. By prioritizing oral care, women can navigate social situations with confidence, breaking down barriers and building meaningful relationships.

4. Empowerment in Prevention: Empowerment begins with prevention. Women taking an active role in preventing oral health issues, from cavities to gum disease, empower themselves to enjoy a lifetime of healthy smiles. Regular dental check-ups and hygiene practices are key components of this preventive approach.

5. Balancing Well-being: The interconnectedness of oral health with overall well-being cannot be overstated. Women who prioritize oral care often experience not just a boost in their smiles but also improvements in their general health. This balance contributes to a holistic sense of empowerment.

6. Smile as a Wellness Indicator: A woman’s smile serves as an indicator of her overall wellness. Oral health is a visible marker of good health practices, reflecting a commitment to self-care and empowerment. A healthy smile signals vitality and well-being, influencing how a woman is perceived by herself and others.

The relationship between a woman’s smile and oral health is symbiotic, with each influencing the other in a continuous loop. Prioritizing oral care becomes a means of empowerment, allowing women to express confidence, build social connections, and maintain overall well-being. As women embrace the connection between radiant smiles and oral health, they not only empower themselves but also contribute to a community where healthy smiles are celebrated as a testament to inner and outer strength.

A Sweet Connection: Love and Oral Health

Valentine’s Day, a celebration of love and affection, often involves sweet gestures, romantic dinners, and, of course, indulgent treats. While we shower our loved ones with tokens of affection on this special day, it’s essential to consider the impact of these traditions on our oral health. In this article, we’ll explore the connection between Valentine’s Day and oral health, offering tips to ensure that the celebration of love doesn’t compromise the health of our smiles.

  1. The Sweet Temptations:

Valentine’s Day is synonymous with sweet treats, from chocolates and candies to decadent desserts. While these delights can be a delightful part of the celebration, excessive consumption can contribute to tooth decay and cavities. Sugars in treats provide fuel for harmful bacteria in the mouth, leading to the production of acids that erode tooth enamel. Moderation is key when indulging in sweets to protect our oral health while still enjoying the festive spirit.

  1. Dental-Friendly Valentine’s Day Gifts:

Consider swapping traditional sugary treats for dental-friendly gifts that show thoughtfulness and care. Instead of chocolates, opt for sugar-free gum or mints that promote saliva production, helping to neutralize acids and clean the mouth. Gift your loved one a high-quality toothbrush, a set of fluoride toothpaste, or even a luxurious mouthwash to encourage good oral hygiene practices.

  1. Sharing the Love with Good Oral Hygiene:

Valentine’s Day is an opportunity to strengthen the bonds of love, and what better way to do that than by sharing good oral hygiene habits? Consider making oral care a joint activity by brushing and flossing together. This not only promotes a healthy routine but also creates an intimate and caring connection between partners.

  1. Healthy Dinner Options:

A romantic dinner is a classic Valentine’s Day tradition, but it doesn’t have to be detrimental to oral health. Opt for a meal that includes tooth-friendly foods like vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. These choices not only contribute to overall well-being but also minimize the impact on oral health compared to sugary and acidic options.

  1. Stay Hydrated for a Healthy Smile:

Proper hydration is crucial for maintaining oral health. Drinking water helps flush away food particles, bacteria, and acids, reducing the risk of cavities and promoting a healthy smile. Whether enjoying a romantic dinner or sharing a quiet evening at home, make sure to stay adequately hydrated throughout the day.

As we celebrate the love and connection on Valentine’s Day, it’s important to be mindful of the impact our choices can have on our oral health. By making conscious decisions about treats, gifts, and activities, we can ensure that this special day doesn’t compromise the health of our smiles. Ultimately, a happy and healthy smile is a wonderful gift to share with our loved ones, and by incorporating good oral hygiene practices into our Valentine’s Day celebrations, we can nurture both our relationships and our oral health.

New Year, New Smile: A Resolution for Oral Health Care

As the clock strikes midnight and the calendar flips to a new year, many people embark on a journey of self-improvement through New Year’s resolutions. While common goals often include fitness and diet, one aspect that is sometimes overlooked is oral health care. Adopting good oral hygiene practices can contribute significantly to overall well-being, and the new year is the perfect time to prioritize this often-neglected aspect of health.

1. **Commit to Regular Dental Checkups:**
Begin the year by scheduling a dental checkup. Regular visits to the dentist play a crucial role in preventing and identifying potential oral health issues. Dentists can detect problems early on, offering timely intervention and preventing more severe complications down the line. Aim for biannual appointments to ensure consistent monitoring and care.

2. **Upgrade Your Oral Hygiene Routine:**
Consider enhancing your daily oral care routine. Brushing and flossing are the cornerstones of good oral health, but sometimes it’s easy to fall into a monotonous pattern. Invest in a high-quality toothbrush, and explore toothpaste options that cater to specific oral health needs, such as sensitivity or enamel strengthening. Don’t forget to replace your toothbrush every three to four months.

3. **Embrace a Balanced Diet:**
What you eat significantly impacts your oral health. A well-balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and low-fat dairy can contribute to strong teeth and gums. Limit the intake of sugary snacks and acidic beverages, as they can lead to tooth decay and erosion. The new year is an excellent time to reassess your dietary habits and make healthier choices.

4. **Stay Hydrated:**
Adequate hydration is not only essential for overall health but also for oral health. Water helps rinse away food particles, bacteria, and acids that can lead to cavities and gum disease. Make it a goal to drink more water throughout the day, especially after consuming acidic or sugary foods.

5. **Kick Bad Habits:**
The new year presents an opportunity to break free from harmful habits that can adversely affect oral health. Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption are known contributors to gum disease and other oral health issues. Consider seeking support or professional guidance to overcome these habits and improve both your oral and overall health.

6. **Protect Your Smile:**
If you’re engaged in sports or recreational activities, consider using a mouthguard to protect your teeth from potential injuries. Mouthguards are essential for preventing fractures, chips, and other trauma to the teeth, ensuring that your smile stays bright and intact.

7. **Educate Yourself and Your Family:**
Take the time to educate yourself and your family about the importance of oral health. Instill good oral hygiene habits in children from an early age, fostering a lifelong commitment to dental care. Knowledge is empowering, and understanding the connection between oral health and overall well-being can motivate positive changes.

A new year is an opportune moment to reevaluate and enhance your commitment to oral health care. By incorporating these resolutions into your routine, you can enjoy a healthy and radiant smile throughout the year. Remember, a small investment in oral health can lead to significant long-term benefits, contributing to your overall well-being and quality of life.

Smiling Through the Season: Christmas & Oral Health

‘Tis the season to be jolly, and as we prepare to celebrate the most wonderful time of the year, it’s essential not to forget about the well-being of our pearly whites. While the holiday season is synonymous with festive feasts, sweet treats, and indulgent beverages, it’s crucial to navigate these merry moments with an eye on maintaining good oral health. In this blog post, we unwrap the relationship between Christmas and oral health, exploring tips and tricks to ensure your smile remains as bright as the holiday lights.

  1. Watch Out for Sugary Treats:
    The Christmas season brings a plethora of delectable treats, from candy canes to gingerbread cookies. While it’s perfectly fine to indulge in these delights, moderation is key. Excessive sugar intake can lead to tooth decay and cavities. Consider enjoying your sweet treats as part of a meal rather than snacking throughout the day, and don’t forget to brush your teeth afterward.
  2. Stay Hydrated with Water:
    Eggnog, mulled wine, and other festive beverages may be tempting, but many of them are acidic and can erode tooth enamel. Counteract the effects by staying well-hydrated with water. Water helps rinse away acids and food particles, promoting saliva production, which is crucial for maintaining a healthy mouth.
  3. Mindful Munching:
    Christmas parties often feature a spread of snacks and appetizers. Opt for tooth-friendly choices like crunchy vegetables and cheese, which can help stimulate saliva flow and naturally clean your teeth. Avoid sticky or chewy foods that can linger on your teeth, promoting bacterial growth.
  4. Don’t Forget Your Oral Care Routine:
    Amidst the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, it’s essential to stick to your regular oral care routine. Brush your teeth at least twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, floss daily, and consider using an antiseptic mouthwash. Consistency is key to keeping your oral health in check.
  5. Choose Thoughtful Gifts:
    As you make your list and check it twice, consider giving gifts that promote oral health. A new toothbrush, a stylish water bottle, or sugar-free gum can make for thoughtful and practical presents that contribute to the well-being of your loved ones.
  6. Schedule a Post-Holiday Dental Checkup:
    Once the festive season winds down, consider scheduling a dental checkup. A post-holiday visit can help address any concerns, detect potential issues early, and start the new year with a clean slate for your oral health.

This Christmas, let the joy and festivities shine through, but be mindful of the impact on your oral health. By making informed choices and adopting good oral hygiene practices, you can ensure that your smile remains as bright as the holiday lights. So, as you deck the halls and enjoy the season’s delights, remember to deck your dental routine as well for a healthy and happy holiday season.

Raising Awareness: Mouth Cancer – A Guide to Understanding and Prevention

Mouth Cancer Action Month is an important annual event that takes place every November. Its primary goal is to raise awareness about oral cancer, its risk factors, and the importance of early detection. This blog post is dedicated to providing you with valuable information about Mouth Cancer Action Month, including the significance of this campaign, facts about oral cancer, and how you can get involved.

Understanding Oral Cancer

Oral cancer refers to cancer that develops in any part of the mouth, including the lips, tongue, gums, and the lining of the cheeks and lips. It is a serious medical condition that, when detected at an advanced stage, can be life-threatening. However, the good news is that early detection can significantly improve the chances of successful treatment.

The Significance of Mouth Cancer Action Month

Mouth Cancer Action Month is an initiative aimed at spreading awareness about the risk factors and early signs of oral cancer. Here are some key reasons why this campaign is so important:

  1. Raising Awareness: Many people are not aware of the risk factors associated with oral cancer. Mouth Cancer Action Month educates the public about the causes and symptoms, helping individuals make informed choices about their health.
  2. Early Detection: Encouraging regular check-ups with dentists and promoting self-examinations can lead to early detection of oral cancer, which is crucial for successful treatment.
  3. Support for Patients: The campaign provides support for those affected by oral cancer, including patients and their families, helping them cope with the challenges of diagnosis and treatment.
  4. Fundraising: Mouth Cancer Action Month often involves fundraising efforts to support research and treatment programs related to oral cancer.

How to Get Involved

You can make a difference during Mouth Cancer Action Month. Here are some ways to get involved:

  1. Spread the Word: Use your social media platforms to share information about Mouth Cancer Action Month, the risk factors, and early signs. Encourage your friends and family to do the same.
  2. Donate: Consider making a donation to reputable organizations that support oral cancer research and treatment.
  3. Get a Screening: If you haven’t had a dental check-up recently, schedule one during November. Dentists often perform oral cancer screenings as part of a routine examination.
  4. Organize an Event: If you’re passionate about the cause, consider organizing a local event to raise awareness and funds for oral cancer research and support.
  5. Wear Blue: Blue is the official color of Mouth Cancer Action Month. Show your support by wearing blue clothing or accessories throughout November.

Mouth Cancer Action Month is a vital campaign that can save lives by raising awareness, promoting early detection, and providing support for those affected by oral cancer. By participating in this initiative, you can help make a difference in the fight against oral cancer. So, let’s join hands and spread the word to ensure that more people understand the importance of early detection and the significance of Mouth Cancer Action Month. Together, we can make a positive impact on the health and well-being of individuals in our communities.

Dental Hygiene: Your Smile’s Best Friend

October is a month of vibrant fall foliage, cozy sweaters, and pumpkin-spiced everything. But did you know that October is also dedicated to something equally important – your oral health? Yes, it’s Dental Hygiene Month! This annual observance serves as a reminder of the critical role dental hygiene plays in maintaining a healthy and beautiful smile. In this article, we’ll explore the significance of Dental Hygiene Month, the importance of good oral care, and practical tips to keep your teeth and gums in tip-top shape.

The Importance of Dental Hygiene

Dental hygiene isn’t just about keeping your teeth clean for cosmetic reasons. It’s an essential aspect of overall health and well-being. Neglecting your oral health can lead to a host of problems, including cavities, gum disease, bad breath, and even more serious health conditions. Here are some compelling reasons why dental hygiene deserves a dedicated month of recognition:

1. Preventing Tooth Decay: Tooth decay is a widespread issue, and it can lead to pain, discomfort, and tooth loss if left untreated. Regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups are vital in preventing cavities.

2. Gum Disease Prevention: Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, can have severe consequences for both your oral health and overall health. It’s been linked to heart disease, diabetes, and other systemic conditions. Effective dental hygiene practices are key to preventing gum disease.

3. Boosting Confidence: A healthy smile can boost your self-esteem and confidence. It’s often one of the first things people notice about you. Taking care of your teeth can lead to a brighter, more beautiful smile that you’ll be proud to show off.

4. Saving Money: Preventive dental care is usually much more affordable than treating dental problems once they’ve progressed. Regular check-ups and cleanings can help you avoid costly dental procedures down the road.

Tips for Maintaining Good Dental Hygiene

  1. Brush Regularly: The foundation of good dental hygiene is brushing your teeth at least twice a day. Use fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristle toothbrush to clean all surfaces of your teeth gently.
  2. Floss Daily: Flossing helps remove food particles and plaque from between your teeth and along the gumline. Make it a daily habit to ensure a clean mouth.
  3. Rinse with Mouthwash: Using an antimicrobial or fluoride mouthwash can help kill bacteria and strengthen your teeth. Consult your dentist for recommendations.
  4. Watch Your Diet: Limit sugary and acidic foods and drinks, which can erode tooth enamel. Instead, choose a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and dairy products.
  5. Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to maintain proper saliva production, which helps protect against tooth decay.
  6. Regular Dental Check-ups: Schedule bi-annual dental check-ups and cleanings with your dentist. These visits can catch dental issues early and prevent them from worsening.
  7. Quit Smoking: Smoking is a major contributor to gum disease and tooth loss. If you smoke, consider quitting for the sake of your oral and overall health.


Dental Hygiene Month in October serves as a reminder of the importance of good oral care practices. Your oral health is intrinsically connected to your overall well-being, making it crucial to prioritize dental hygiene. By brushing, flossing, eating a balanced diet, and visiting your dentist regularly, you can ensure a radiant smile and a healthier you. So, this October, take the time to celebrate Dental Hygiene Month by investing in your oral health – your smile’s best friend.

Gum Care Month: Protecting Your Smile, One Healthy Gum at a Time

The importance of oral health cannot be overstated. A radiant smile not only enhances your appearance but also reflects your overall well-being. One crucial aspect of oral health often overlooked is gum care. As we observe Gum Care Month this September, we will raise awareness about this often-neglected aspect of oral hygiene and further delve into the significance of Gum Care and provide valuable tips to help you maintain healthy gums for a lifetime of smiles.

Understanding Gum Health

Gums, also known as gingiva, play a vital role in maintaining overall oral health. They are the pinkish, soft tissue that surrounds and supports your teeth. Healthy gums are firm, pale pink, and do not bleed when you brush or floss. However, poor oral hygiene can lead to gum problems, such as gingivitis (mild gum inflammation) and periodontitis (severe gum disease). These conditions can lead to tooth loss and have been linked to various systemic health issues, including heart disease and diabetes.

Why Gum Care Month Matters

Gum Care Month serves as a reminder of the significance of gum health and encourages individuals to take proactive steps in maintaining it. By focusing on gum care, we can:

  1. Prevent Gum Disease: Regular oral hygiene practices, such as brushing, flossing, and professional dental cleanings, can help prevent gum disease.
  2. Improve Overall Health: The health of your gums is closely linked to your overall well-being. Treating gum disease may reduce the risk of other systemic health issues.
  3. Boost Confidence: Healthy gums mean a healthy smile. Confidence often comes from feeling good about your appearance, and a bright, healthy smile can enhance your self-esteem.

Tips for Healthy Gums

  1. Daily Oral Hygiene: Brush your teeth at least twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste, and don’t forget to brush your tongue. Floss daily to remove plaque and debris between teeth.
  2. Regular Dental Check-ups: Visit your dentist for regular check-ups and professional cleanings. Dental professionals can detect gum issues early and provide guidance on gum care.
  3. Balanced Diet: Eat a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and low-fat dairy products. Avoid excessive sugar and acidic foods and drinks, which can contribute to gum problems.
  4. Avoid Smoking and Tobacco: Smoking is a significant risk factor for gum disease. Quitting smoking can improve gum health and overall well-being.
  5. Manage Stress: Chronic stress can affect your immune system and increase the risk of gum disease. Practice stress-reduction techniques like meditation or yoga.
  6. Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water helps flush away food particles and bacteria that can lead to gum problems.
  7. Use an Antiseptic Mouthwash: An antimicrobial mouthwash can help reduce plaque and gum disease-causing bacteria.
  8. Wear a Mouthguard: If you grind your teeth at night, consider wearing a mouthguard to protect your gums and teeth.

Gum Care Month serves as an important reminder of the vital role gums play in our oral health and overall well-being. Neglecting gum care can lead to severe consequences, including tooth loss and potential systemic health issues. By following good oral hygiene practices, adopting a healthy lifestyle, and seeking regular dental care, you can ensure that your gums remain healthy, allowing you to flaunt your beautiful smile with confidence. So, this September and beyond, make a commitment to prioritize your gum health because a healthy smile is a lifetime asset.

Rainy Season affects Oral Health

The Monsoon season is one of those seasons that provide relief from the intense heat of summer. However, along with the change in weather and temperature, various diseases and damages emerge. The Monsoon season not only brings common illnesses like malaria, dengue, and cholera, but it also leads to severe dental problems. Weather changes significantly impact dental health, causing discomfort and tooth issues for some individuals during this season. Hence, let’s discuss some dental tips to follow during the Monsoon season:

  1. REPLACE YOUR TOOTHBRUSH: Maintaining proper oral hygiene by brushing your teeth is crucial for removing plaque effectively. It is essential to choose the right toothbrush and replace it regularly with a new one to uphold oral hygiene. When the bristles become frayed, it’s time to switch to a new toothbrush.
  2. ENJOY SEASONAL PRODUCE: Always remember to stock your refrigerator with fresh and healthy vegetables and fruits available during the Monsoon season. This ensures that your family consumes nutritious food and limits their intake of unhealthy snacks. Apples, pears, strawberries, curd, and oats are some nutritionally beneficial fruits and vegetables during the Monsoon.
  3. REPLENISH YOUR FLOSS SUPPLY: It is recommended to use approximately 18 inches of floss per session. With daily flossing, this amounts to about 45 feet of floss per month! So, ensure you have an adequate supply to avoid running out.
  4. CHECK EXPIRATION DATES OF MOUTHWASH: Just like any other product, mouthwash has an expiration date. Always use mouthwash before it expires to maximize its benefits and effectiveness.
  5. SCHEDULE A DENTAL APPOINTMENT: Regular dental check-ups are essential for everyone. They not only maintain the health of your teeth but also help identify any potential issues at an early stage.

Remember to follow the above dental care tips to maintain a radiant smile!

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