Clinic enhances safety measures against pandemic

With the dramatic increase of omicron infection in the city for the first month of the year,  the IATF for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases has further increased the province’s COVID19 Alert Level to 3 from February 1, 2022 to the 15th depending on the development of the situation.

As one of the essential establishments of the city, we adhere to the provision of the government in the fight against the long termed pandemic by knowing the limitations of our operations in alignment to the regulations set by the term ALERT LEVEL 3. Because dental clinics are also one of the essential establishments in our community, people in need of dental care should be given appropriate dental treatment regardless of age or condition. The following are the revised measures we have set at our most lenient considerations:


Patients below 18 and those who are 60 and above, those with immunodeficiency, comorbidities, or other health risks, and pregnant women, are STILL allowed to visit the clinic, unless they do not pass the screening process of the clinic before entering the clinic premise.


We don’t discriminate unvaccinated patients just as long as they take double pre-cautionary measures and follow our health protocol inside the clinic. Despite, we encourage presentation of vaccination cards or negative test results upon entering our premise, it is much safer for the rest of us inside the facility.


We can only accommodate one patient at a time inside the clinic. Likewise, we give at least 30-minute gap between patient appointments in order to give ample time for the staff to conduct area sanitation before and after the start of every treatment. Clinic hours remain 8am-5pm Mondays to Saturdays.

Let us help one another in defeating the spread of the COVID19 through our discipline and adherence to the safety protocols. God bless us all!

Published by ampongoralclinic

Maintaining your teeth, preserving your smiles

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